
Friday, March 28, 2014

New Floors!

 By far the most dramatic change we have made in this house is the floors. It is amazing how it has changed the feeling of the whole house. For 3 weeks we had 15 boxes of flooring sitting in our family room, and every time I looked at them I had major anxiety. This was a project I was dreading more than any other project we had completed. The floor has been one of the more expensive things we have purchased for the house and I wanted it to look perfect.

We were lucky enough to have my aunt and uncle volunteer to help us install the new floors. I buttered them up with dinner at our house a few weeks before and they were nice enough to spend an entire Saturday at our house helping Ben and I install the flooring (and I do mean entire Saturday, over 15 hours worth). They not only made sure our floor looked beautiful, they made sure Ben and I didn't kill each other- haha.

Ben and I started laying the underlayment at 8:30 on Saturday morning and my aunt and uncle arrived at 9 am to help. Right away my uncle and Ben started strategizing and I was happy to not participate. :) The boys started laying flooring while my aunt and I continued with the underlayment. I had one goal for the day- only use 3 rolls of underlayment. The guy at the flooring store said we needed 4 bags of underlayment but once we got home, I calculated and figured out that if we were very careful we could get away with 3 and I could get $80 back. My aunt and I were very talented at patching the underlayment together at the end- we were quite crafty. In the end we ended up with 3 feet left over- mission accomplished.

The morning went smoothly and we were moving pretty quick in the kitchen. We had to move the appliances as we went, put the flooring in and then move the appliances back. In theory this should be no problem and for the stove it wasn't. When we moved the fridge right away we realized there was a problem. The linoleum was peeling and it was pretty obvious there was water damage. Ben and I quickly went to work tearing up linoleum, tearing up sub floor and replacing it while my aunt and uncle continued to lay flooring in the dining area. It delayed us a little while but not a big deal. I thought that was going to be our biggest delay of the day....boy was I wrong. ha. The boys continued flooring and it was time to move the fridge back. I was in charge of placing the felt movers under the feet of the fridge while the boys tipped the fridge and then moved it back into place. It soon became apparent that we forgot to calculate how much higher the floor would be than the old floor and now the fridge was too tall to fit under the cabinets.

I was quickly put on a googling mission to find out if there was a fridge that would fit under the cabinets or if we would be better off trimming the cabinets. I found a fridge that was going to work but it was 4 cubic feet smaller than our current fridge, not really a great option. We decided to put the fridge back in it's general area and tackle that problem later (Really I kept googling and sent everyone else back to work). The boys got back to flooring and got to deal with our awesome crooked walls. At about 4pm we started the hallway area and I was thinking we would be done by 8ish. Again, I was wrong. The hallways came with all sorts of issues including having to cut the door frames so the flooring would fit under them and attempting to place transition pieces between the laminate flooring and our carpet/tile areas. I spent the last two hours of flooring placement sitting on the couch trying to stay awake. Finally at 11pm we let my aunt and uncle go home. At this point all the flooring was laid with the exception of the closet floors and the transition strips. I fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

The next morning Ben and I woke up to find out that we felt like a train had hit us. Ben's legs were completely bruised from his knees to his ankles. We could barely move. Regardless, we were pretty determined to get everything else done that day. The transition strips were terrible to install. The one going into the bathroom was easy but our bedroom was a pain and we broke the one for the office (and we still haven't fixed that one). The stairs were also a challenge. We had to glue the trim pieces around the top of the stairs which was a 3 day process but it turned out well. We then braved Lowes and Home Depot to go refrigerator shopping. We found the one fridge that would fit under our existing cupboards and it was teeny tiny. We went home, cut the cabinets and moved the fridge back. You can't even tell we cut the cabinets. We spent the rest of the day cleaning and putting our house back together.

Now for some pictures:

Before Pictures:

The gorgeous linoleum we have been living with.....

The after....

Ben and I are in agreement that after these past couple months of working on the house we are both ready for a break. We are committed to putting in trim and then taking the spring/summer off from working on the house. We might do little projects here and there but no big projects.

I will update again once we have the trim installed- this weekends project!



Saturday, March 22, 2014

Floors and Doors....

I am laying in bed looking out at my kitchen (yes the house is that compact that I can see the kitchen from my bed...ha), and I can't believe what we have accomplished in the last year. About a year ago we were finishing our bathroom re-do and still had a very long list of things to do to finish the upstairs. Now we are down to just a few projects and the upstairs of the house will be done. YAY! 

Two weekends ago I had the great privilege of going to Home Depot 2 times, and True Value 6 times. Our plan for the weekend was to prep for flooring installation and install a new back door. On Saturday we prepped the floors. Our kitchen has two layers of linoleum in it that we did not want to rip up because it was really old and we had no idea if there was asbestos in it, and our hallway just had the sub floor. We had to bring the hallway floor up to the same height as the kitchen. We went to Menards and they suggested using self leveling compound to do this. I looked at the bag they recommended and instantly started having flash back to mixing up thin set for tile. I instantly hated this idea but I was tired so I threw a bag in the cart and headed for home. Ben and I did a lot of research during the week prior (aka watched YouTube) to see how to use the self leveling compound. It looked relatively easy if you have a square room. We instead have a hallway, with stairs, 2 doorways with carpet, a doorway with tile and freshly painted walls that I did not want full of this cement like stuff. I could just picture what was going to happen and I didn't like it. Honestly if we would have used it we could have a pretty good disaster blog post...but Ben saved me from this disaster. The floors were an 1/8" lower in the hallway then the kitchen. Ben found 1/8" compressed boards at the home depot that we could just screw into the floor and voila a floor the same height as the kitchen. 

Getting the boards home was another matter, they came in huge sheets of dimensions I can't remember but lets be honest, they weren't fitting in the Corolla. Ben and I thought maybe True Value would have the same boards and we could tie them on top of his Focus and drive the 1 mile to our house. I get the giggles just thinking of that mental picture. True Value didn't have the boards which I think was a blessing in disguise. Instead we went back to the Home Depot and had them cut each board into 3 pieces so we could fit them in the Corolla. Problem solved. 

We got home Ben started cutting boards and I was supposed to screw them into the floor. It took me about 25 tries to get the first screw into the floor. I think Ben was ready to rip the drill from my hands, but I told him I had to figure out how to do it on my own. Eventually I got the hang of it and we put about 150 screws into the floor. If a tornado takes down our house, I promise your our sub-floor will still be in tact. I honestly thought this project was going to take about an hour but somehow it managed to take all day. 

On Sunday it was supposed to be 45 degrees outside so we decided this was a good day to install our new back door in our kitchen. I was very nervous about this project. The wood on the bottom of the door jam was rotting away and I was afraid of what we were going to find when we took out the door. To my surprise 2 things happened: 1. The only thing that was rotten was the door, everything around the door was fine, and 2. The door opening was actually square and level. I didn't think there were actually 90 degree angles anywhere in our house. So installing the door wasn't a terrible disaster. We did have to install an extra board underneath the door to bring the door up higher so it would clear our new flooring. Once we put the door in, leveling the door was a tad bit challenging. Ben's strength is definitely not following directions. I swear he reads the directions and picks the step that he likes does those steps and skips the rest. So after some reading and re-reading the directions we had to undo most of our work and start at the beginning again so the door would be level. After we had been working on it for a few hours, I got really hungry, but I knew Ben would want to power through and just get the door done. I was on the edge of being hangry (angry from hunger) so when Ben ran downstairs to get some tool or another I quickly warmed up some leftovers. He came back upstairs to find me sitting at the table eating lunch. I informed him I was on my union mandated lunch break. Ha! I was only allotted about 7 minutes to eat and then it was back to work. We eventually finished installing the door, installed the new lock, put some spray foam insulation around the door and we were done for the day. 

The floor before, our lovely sub floor
The floor after, all ready for the new flooring!

The door before
The door after

Please admire that beautiful linoleum. :)  Next time I will update you on the floor installation!


Friday, March 7, 2014

And we are working again....

So we took most of the summer off from projects and had plans to become productive this fall. But the fall came and our lives were busy and the house projects didn't move. Then it was Thanksgiving and Christmas so we didn't do anything. Finally at the end of December I started a new job, got myself set into my new work schedule and found the motivation to start house projects again.  Ben would like to summarize these last couple months as "sucky" but really that means productive.

We finally changed the paint the color in our hallway, stairway and family room. It was a cream color, but now it is a dark taupe. Overall painting was really uneventful. Except for a few slips of the roller onto the ceiling that had to be fixed (3 of them were from me), and when Ben finally messed up he yells at me "I just pulled an Ali". Funny to him, not to me. :) Last time we painted in our house, my dad came and did all the painting and wouldn't let us help (darn!). This time we decided to give him a break and do the painting ourselves. We had to do a ton of edging/cutting in which was a pain. Our whole painting project took about a week to complete. We painted all of the trim white, which took 4-5 coats but now I love it.

We also decided to replace the doors in our hallway. The challenge with this is, our truck has been broken since October, was sitting under 4 feet of snow. We had many discussions on how we were going to get doors from the store to our house. We also debated whether just to replace the door and get "slab" doors or to buy pre-hung doors. We were in Menards looking at doors, and I pulled up a video to see how hard it is to install slab doors.  We watched the video, and at the end they rate the project a 4 out of 5 on difficulty. It is like the video was challenging Ben to prove it wrong. Ben right away decides on slab doors (It isn't going to be that hard!). I agree for 2 reasons, 1. They are way cheaper, 2. We might actually be able to fit one in the Corolla. We only bought one door that night, the 24" door for the closet and it fit in one side of the corolla with the seats down, no problem.

Ben got home worked on the door in the afternoon, and it actually went pretty well. So the next week we went back to Menards to get the rest of the doors. We needed two 30" doors, and another 24"door. Somehow I thought this would be no problem to fit into the Corolla. Well we get to the parking lot and figure out that the only way we can get all the doors in the car, it to put the passenger seat all the way forward in the car, and tipped forward., and have all the back seats down. At this point it is clear that only one person is going to fit in the car. But it is 9pm, it is dark, cold and we live 30 minutes away from Menards, so if Ben is going to take the doors home and come pick me up, I will have to kill an hour of time. Instead we decide to test my acrobatic skills and I squeeze into the passenger seat (which is shoved against the dash), and basically lay sideways in the seat. The whole time we are driving home I keep telling Ben to be careful because if we get in an accident my head will be blown off by the airbags. Lovely. Luckily we made it home and Ben spent the next week slowly working on the doors. Now we have 4 beautiful doors which look way better then the new doors.

For our next projects, we are installing new laminate wood flooring and a new back door in our kitchen. I am going to try to do more real time blogging so I can remember all the ridiculous stories.

Now for some before and after pictures:

The stairway before...

The stairway after...

The hallway before....

The hallway after...notice the new trim. and doors...

The family room before....
The family room after, with our new flooring in the picture!!
More family room....

The family room after
Still a work in progress, but we are getting there!
