
About Me....

I am 25 year old, who worked in the corporate world for 3 years but quickly realized, it was not my passion. So a year ago I quit my job to return to school to become a nurse. I graduate in May, but before I graduate and get another real job, I figured I would use my free time to do a little crafting.

For those of you who know me, you know I am not a very patient person, nor am I person that likes to linger on projects. I am often heard saying "Patience is a virtue I wasn't born with". I like when things run smoothly, and I can become quickly discouraged by projects that don't turn out right. In addition, I am awful at reading directions closely prior to starting a project. Just last night, I was showing my mom one project I wanted to try and she started asking 20 questions about the tutorial (which I couldn't answer because I hadn't read the directions), and I became frustrated and told her we would just go with the flow. This is why basically every craft I begin, ends in disaster and someone else has to come to the rescue.

I have been gathering crafting/DIY project ideas for months. They have just been sitting on my Pinterest and I finally decided it is time to attempt these projects. I have dabbled in crafts in the past, stamping, scrap-booking, knitting, but I haven't done a true craft project in years. This blog is to record the disasters (and possibly 1 success) at crafting. If you are looking for a laugh, stop by to see the latest disaster. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I have been a business major and a nursing major...never an English major. Please excuse any typos/grammatical errors. As you guessed, proof-reading isn't a strength either. :)