
Friday, December 23, 2011

Quick Candle Holders!

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmothers house we go....

Crafting will be on hiatus for the next few days as I will be out of town for Christmas. Yesterday Anna (another lovely crafter and an awesome friend) and I did a quick and easy craft. We found the inspiration on Pinterest.

Basically you take clear simple vases put rubber bands on them and spray paint them to turn into candle holders. On Wednesday I went to the goodwill to find vases/glasses that would work for this craft. When I told my mom that, her first response was "Could you stand the smell?". Haha. Goodwill does have a nice aroma but it is worth it to get 5 vases for $5. Anna went to a different goodwill to find a few more vases. You will need completely clear vases or glasses, Anna purchased some with a flower design on them, and it still showed through at the end. In addition you will need to get spray paint, the example pinterest used white spray paint but I decided to purchase frosted glass spray paint.

Step 1: Wash and dry your glasses/vases

Step 2: Place the rubber bands on the glasses/vases

Step 3: Find a well ventilated area to spray paint, preferably not in your house, since it smells really bad. We chose my garage, with the garage door cracked. It was a balmy 27 degrees out yesterday, slightly chilly for this craft but it still worked out.

Step 4: Spray your glasses/vases with a coat of paint letting it dry for 5-10 minutes between each coat. We ended up doing 3 coats.

Step 5: Have patience! On our practice cup we were eager to see what it looked like so we moved the rubber bands and the paint got smeared. Instead let the vases/glasses dry completely for 30 minutes. I left mine in the garage for 30 minutes then brought them in the house and let them warm up and finish drying for another 30 minutes. Then just take off the rubber bands, drop in some candles and magic- you have awesome candle holders.

These are super cute and would make a great gift idea. Each vase/cup was about $1 at the goodwill and the spray paint was $3 (normally $6 at JoAnn but we used a 50% coupon). This was a very inexpensive craft, and almost fool proof.

Have a very Merry Christmas! Crafting Disasters will be back next week...right now making sock monkeys with my Mom is on the agenda, along with a few other crafts.


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