
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Don't HIT the Machine...really?

Well, I have done it again. I have created an absolute disaster. This one ended with me shaking the sewing machine, hitting the machine, taking it apart, etc. But I am getting ahead of myself, lets start at the beginning. 

First, I spent an hour trying to figure out how to make a basting stitch on the machine. I tried just messing with dials on the machine (not a good idea, I don't recommend it). Then I had to read the manual for the machine which is written by people who think I actually know something about sewing. Ridiculous. I actually learned what all of the dials on the machine were for, so that is a plus. Finally, I just googled the sewing machine model and the words "basting stitch" and the first thing that popped up was "Cons of this machine are that it does not have a basting stitch function". So, I decided to skip that step. 

Trying to find a basting stitch while using a rag as my practice material. 

More importantly I found some advice on how to make the machine last longer. The manual instructed the user to not drop or hit the machine. I am not joking. It actually tells you that you shouldn't hit the machine, which means the makers of this machine realize that it is awful and will make you want to hit it. 

I cut the squares in the corner of my fabric pieces to create the "boxed" bottom, and then started sewing. It actually went pretty smooth and I was thinking in my head: "I actually like sewing, this is kind of relaxing. Maybe I should buy a sewing machine. I love when my project goes smoothly. The blog readers are going to be so disappointed". 

Lovely corners

My marking tool of choice a pen, and while it may be permanent it works was better than any of those "Mark B Gone" pens. :)

My successful sewing!

I got all of my pieces of fabric sewn and it was time to put them all together and sew around the top of the bag. Well first off, my lining was slightly smaller than my other two pieces so I wasn't exactly sure how the sewing was going to go. But again, I was on a roll, feeling good about my sewing skills so I thought, why not, lets just go with the flow. Not a good idea in retrospect. I got halfway around the bag and the fabric got jammed in the machine. I try bringing the needle up, it was jammed (and I may have failed to put the heavy duty needle that I purchased for this project in the machine before I started... oops). I eventually got the needle out. I shoved the foot of the machine up. Then I took the foot of the machine off. I yanked, I pulled. I turned the machine upside down, I laid it on the table. I got a screwdriver to try to take it apart, but it wouldn't fit, so I got a penny and unscrewed the screws, which did absolutely nothing. I even hit it a few times for good measure (at this point I may have been cursing at the machine as well).

It's stuck

The machine laying down...I am sure this a no-no in the mannual

Upside down and still stuck

Somehow the foot came off...

My tools. :)

Finally, I just cut out what was stuck in the machine. By some miracle it was just a bunch of thread and I managed to not cut a hole in my bag (Thank you Jesus). I calmly put that machine back together, but I haven't tested it to see if it still works. Mom if you are reading this, I promise to buy you a new machine if I broke it. 

My thread disaster!

Needless to say my patience is long gone, and I am done crafting for the day. Hopefully my saint of a mother can figure what is going on with the bag when she gets home. I have a feeling it will be pretty entertaining when she sees what I have done. 



  1. I laughed out loud about twenty times during this! I can actually see it resembling a bag though! Good work! I also noticed there was a Coke can in the picture...always a good tool to add to the sewing times! :)

  2. I posted a comment, it posted twice, so I deleted one, but somehow both got deleted. The commenting disaster. Anyways, I had no ideas sock monkeys were so complicated. Love reading this blog!
