
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Felt Flower Scarf

One last craft to close out winter break. Yesterday I began the Felt Flower Scarf with my friend Katie. We both purchased our 1/2 yard of felt (I used a coupon and it was only $2.00). Other than this, the craft utilized things we already owned. Katie picked this craft because it was not sewing intense, but both failed to realize how cutting intense this craft would be. First we cut out our scarves and scalloped the edges, Katie (tan fabric) is much better at scalloping than I am (gray fabric).

We cut the scarves first but I forgot to take  a picture until we were done cutting.
Next we began the tedious job of cutting out 65 circles. I dug through my mom's Tupperware cabinet to find circle shaped containers we could use for tracing. We needed to cut out 5 sets of different sized circles (13 of each size) starting with about  a 5" circle and working our way down. Katie started by cutting out the largest circle and I started out by cutting out the second largest circles (this was a mistake). We quickly realized that we weren't going to have enough fabric. If you do this craft I would recommend a full yard of felt to complete. Katie luckily had an extra half yard of felt in a darker tan that she used to finish her circles. I decided to make my circles smaller and by some miracle I ended up with just enough fabric. After we cut out 65 circles we had to scallop the edges of every circle. All of this cutting took us about 2 hours. My hand was screaming in pain by the end of the cutting.

Katie's beautiful scalloping!

You can't tell from the picture but my scalloping was terrible and yes, by the end  of the cutting session I was using children's scissors. 

We moved into making the flowers. The first flower I sewed was a mess. It wasn't bunched up at all, so I ripped it out and started again. Katie and I determined by tying knots after every stitch the flower stayed bunched up. We got a few flowers done, and then Katie had to leave to make dinner for her future in-laws :). 
My first flower- a complete failure!

Katie's first few flowers. 

Today I finished the flowers and sewed them onto the scarf. 

Edit: Here is Katie's finished scarf- I love the two tone. She managed to make something fantastic out of our cutting disaster. :) 

I also added a hook and eye to keep the scarf in place. 

The scarf turned out pretty cute. I am pretty excited to wear it! 

Craft-wise I had a pretty productive winter break, 10 crafts in 4 weeks. On Tuesday I head back to Chicago to begin my final semester of nursing school. Although I probably wont be crafting as often, I am going to try to do a few crafts throughout the semester.

Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. I just bought stuff to make one of these scarves tonight! Hopefully mine turns out as well as yours!
