
Saturday, July 11, 2015

A weak week.....

Thank goodness we took a bunch of veggies to the cabin with us last weekend, or we wouldn't have eaten many of them. We brought lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, and cilantro. We used them in salads, and a veggie tray and poof they were gone. When we arrived home on Sunday night after a particularly long drive, I decided to whip up Easy Summer Quinoa which utilized the kale and zucchini from our CSA and basil from our garden. Ben was not excited about this dish because there was no meat but after 4 days of eating and drinking way too much crap, I decided a veggie filled dish was a good idea. After 2 bites Ben proclaimed that he loved it, and has asked me twice this week to make it again, so we are going to have it tonight for dinner. 

This is a pic of Ben's second helping, we devoured our first bowls and forgot to take a picture!

We ate the peas and the carrots raw as side dishes this week. I made enchiladas and pizza this week...both of which didn't utilize the CSA. It was a busy week so the new recipes were not happening. 

We did okay on the CSA is what we have left: the beets (surprise), scallions and parsley. The scallions and parsley I should easily be able to use this week, and GREAT news...I found a home for the beets. I found at least 2 people at work who like beets so they are getting a lovely delivery on Monday. It is the only veggie we haven't tried that we have not doing too bad. 

Thursday came fast this week- all the sudden it was time to get more veggies. My usual 2 minute commute to pick up our CSA box took about 20 this week because a bush decided to crash into some concrete barriers and block the main road in and out of downtown Mound. I was dedicated to getting our veggies though, took the back way to the pick up place and was successful. Here is what is on tap for this week: 

1. Kohlrabi 
2. Hakurei Turnips
3. Zucchini 
4. Cucumbers 
5. Lacinato Kale 
6. Lettuce 
7. Peas 
8. Fennel

Fennel and turnips are going to be the challenges to cook with this week but I think we can come up with something! 


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