
Monday, February 8, 2016

A disaster....

If you need a laugh tonight here it is. I was in my temporary kitchen whipping up some tacos for dinner and talking on the phone to my mom. Next thing I know I hear Ben yell an expletive and I hear a sound I can't place. I yell "what is that" and Ben yells water. I look and there is water shooting out of one of the kitchen water pipes flying across the entire kitchen. I quickly tell my mom I have to go and drop my phone. First I try to stop the water with my hands, I know this will come as a shock but that didn't work. My second thought is towels, again water shooting out like a faucet across the room, not helping. Next I grab the huge garbage can in the room and turn it on its side, but the water just kept running out. Finally, I grab a garbage bag and manage to get most of the water to spray into that. After about 5 minutes (which felt like 2 hours) Ben finally found the main water shut off and the water stopped. At this point, I am dripping wet, the tacos are done cooking and the floors are dripping with water (and dripping into the basement since there are holes in the floor).

Ben comes upstairs and we look at each other and start laughing.

Turns out Ben was trying to drill a hole near the water pipe to lift the floor board over the pipe but it didn't really work when he hit the pipe. We moped up what we could with old towels, and turned on 4 fans to dry out the house. Ben is currently working on fixing the pipe so that we can turn the water back on for the house.

I just keep imagining what I must have looked like trying to stop the water and I can't stop giggling. :)

I am sure this wont be the last disaster.



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