
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Leg Warmers :)

So this craft was completely inspired by my friend Katie. When she came over to create our felt flower scarves she was wearing leg warmers with her boots. They were super cute and she told me she had made them the night before from the sleeves of a sweater. I instantly wanted a pair.

My last day of break my mom and I went out to lunch, got pedicures and then we decided to hit up Kohl's to look for a sweater that was on clearance to use for the leg warmers. I really wanted gray leg warmers. For those of you who don't know me, I love gray, I currently have 5 different gray cardigans which I wear all the time. I scoured the racks in the juniors department at Kohls looking for a sweater (actually just sleeves that I liked) and after going through racks of skanky clothing, I found the perfect sweater. It was on clearance for $14 (still too much in my mind) but my mom had a couple of coupons so we walked out with the sweater for $3.74.

I was super pumped! So we got home from Kohls and I sat down to whip out some leg warmers. This was one of the simpler crafts I have done. First I cut off the arms of the sweater.

Then I carefully (not really) measured the leg warmers on my legs to see how much of a hem I needed to make.

My mom, always good for tip, suggested I zig zag around the cut edge of the sweater so that the whole arm didn't unravel.

Next I did my first hem. I tend to forget that there are basic things you can do on a sewing machine to make sure you are sewing in a straight line (aka use the guide plate). So on my first leg warmer my stitches are a little crazy. The second one, after my mom reminded me that I am capable of sewing in a straight line, went much better.
Really hard to tell in this picture but in the middle of the picture the hem makes an X. 

My second leg, much more even

Finally, my lovely mom, knowing how much I hate sewing on buttons took the leftover buttons I had purchased for my Awesome Bag, and sewed them on the end of the leg warmers. She did crossed hatch sewing to secure the buttons (If you are like me, you have no idea what that means but it looks cute) Thanks Mom!!

I really like them. I will admit when I am wearing them around the house I flash back to the early 90's when the only leg warmers I owned were pink with ballet shoes on them. My friends and I would wear them around the house when playing dress up.

Yes, I wear socks with the legwarmers, I just had to snap some quick pictures last night. 

Hopefully I will get around to doing another craft soon. I don't really have a lot of tools to do crafts in my apartment but I am sure I will figure something out.


1 comment:

  1. A+ Ali! Lovely leg warmers! I like the sweater you found, much better than my Target finds!
